Upcoming Healthcare & General Courses
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer (MBCT Ca)
Tue mornings Oct-Dec 2024
Grounded within Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness, a compassionate way to be with (or without) cancer and the difficult is explored, along with cultivating the skills of connecting with moments of joy
Classes are small (10-12 people) all-inclusive groups, where YOU are most welcome.
Please do enquire with any and all questions and curiosities. Family members welcome. 75% funding from Mid West Cancer Foundation.
Jan 2025 Responding to Stress: MBSR Program
Jan-March 2025 Mondays 7-9.15pm
Milford Care Centre Education Centre
Stress, nervousness, anxiety, overwhelm, acute or chronic illness, or having too much to do that relaxing is impossible'.
Things can feel easier and steadier.
With over four decades of research, this 8-week programme specifically supports you to explore stress, meditation and unhelpful thought patterns and assists you to respond & adapt to life stress in more helpful and more sustainable ways.
Resilience for Healthcare Communities
1hr x 6 weekly sessions. Online (in person available at other dates)
Healthcare workers are carrying Fatigue and Secondary Trauma on top of pandemic exhaustion, proliferation in documentation, technology, time & financial pressures.
Self-care needs to be REAL, available ON THE SPOT (not after work) and based on evidence. At the heart of healthcare is compassion. Learn to give care to yourself at last.
Online Monthly Meditation. Reconnect & strengthen your practice
1st Monday each month 7.30-8pm on zoom. Come as you are, camera on or off, a quiet half hour. Be guided in a meditation practice by me.
Monthly Drop-in Mindfulness @UHL
Fridays 10.30-11.30am
15th Nov, 13 Dec, 10 Jan
‘Come as you are, stay as long as you want’
Drop-in Mindfulness meditation sessions at the Cancer Support Centre. For patients, family & staff.
Trauma Sensitive
Meet Difficulties
Inner Strength
Self Belief
Self Worth
Stress-Resilience 〰️ MIndfulness 〰️ Trauma Sensitive 〰️ Awareness 〰️ Courage 〰️ Meet Difficulties 〰️ Inner Strength 〰️ Laughter 〰️ Playfulness 〰️ Self Belief 〰️ Self Worth
“May I have the courage today
To live the life I would love…
And waste my heart on fear no more.”
Welcome to learning to care for yourself.
Life: contains adversity, illness, loss, aging and dying. But equally too laughter, preciousness, simplicity, connection and joy.
Stress: I offer evidence-based programs that support me, and to support you, to live with the stresses (and joys) of being a human.
Self-awareness: Welcome to you also, if your life path has led to a wish to change your way of living & working.
Mindfulness: can support us to suffer less, accepting the present- neither running from it or clinging to it .
Compassion: the mindfulness and caring inherent in compassion foster resilience, connectedness and action.
Kind Mind~Wise Heart: A strong mind without a kind heart struggles to be truly compassionate; a kind heart suffers without the wise mind to guide it.
Welcome to Kind Mind Ireland. I’m Hilary Smyth, I offer the information on the site freely & hope you’ll find it helpful, maybe inspiring.
Please do reach out if you’d like to talk to me, or read on in the ‘About’ section..