Healthcare &
Workplace Support

"I would like to push past my sophisticated professional self, 

Find out who hangs out underneath there, 

Hang more with the moments of wonder and pain"

M.J. Meehan

Work related stress is a big problem for everyone within an institution or a company. Bespoke training to suit the needs of your business and workforce can be offered, in addition to the gold standard courses, which nowadays have an exhaustive base of evidence in terms of anxiety reduction and improved coping and relationship skills.

Self care & Resilience

Mindfulness in life is about learning to cultivate that which nourishes and resources us and learning how not to feed the more depleting and self-sabotaging habits. This is as much about ‘the how’- the way we do what we have to do (our attitude and mindset), as about ‘the what’. 

The balance of nourishment and depletion in our lives is crucial to our well-being. The more we feel depleted the more reactive we become. We get caught in the Stress Cycle, which leads to physical discomforts, illness, chronic illness and eventual burnout (Kabat-Zinn 1990, 2013). The activities that resource and nourish us build resilience and help care for us when we are struggling to cope. 

How does this training help?

Mindfulness and compassion reduce stress and stress-related illness by helping staff members change the way they relate to and deal with stress and suffering of living, working and caring. Bringing mindfulness- awareness and focus- to our living is an important evidence-based facet of reducing anxiety and stress. Compassion training is particularly potent in explicitly fostering respect and care for self and for others, supporting a team to function more authentically and cohesively.

Particularly relevant for Healthcare Staff, empathy burnout can be addressed with compassion training and meditation. Watch this 4 minute clip of neuroscientist Tanya Singer’s research findings.


You can find further information on Courses & Workshops or Consultation & Support.

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